Trout Unlimited leading the way.  We are so lucky our crew is awesome.  Check out this update!!


12-15-23:  The study we provided for assisted Trout Unlimited in the ability to request grant funding from DFW with the science gleamed from the study we paid for.  The TU crew was able to secure a $1.8million dollar grant from DFW for restoration of Champs and McCoy flat water diversions.  The $5K grant TU requested for re invigoration of the conservation plan to prevent any listing as a 5 year update by DFW is 4 years over due (which is not good) and perhaps we will see a new conservation plan which will include the restored projects since  we began restoration.  TU is working their way downstream and we have a wonderful group of folks on our issue.  We will remain plagued by the petition to list the Eagle Lake Trout as an endangered species until we can get a native spawn returned to the lake at some point.  Our lake and communities remain under this threat.  insuring passage, spawning beds and flow to Pine Creek is critical.  Most agencies have been lazy, TU has gone to the extremes to help Eagle Lake and this is our year to start seeing more studies on the lake (flora/fauna) as changes occur over droughts, UNR plans study of a fish biomass (populations of all fishes in the lake) and food supply study, hydrologic studies for underground water flow by associates having data from northern locations, where it comes from and if northern ag wells installed over the last 20 years has taken from the aquifers for the lake, ground water studies.  All sorts of needed things that have been neglected by one or another agency.  I am confident after discussion with TU, we are not only in good hands, we are in the hands of the top scientists in the field for our area.  Amen.  Folks, this is a big thing for Eagle Lake fishery.  Projects predicted to begin this spring 2024.  We did not become irrelevant.  We’ve been beating the dead horse to death as usual….that’s the only way to make any gains.  Now, we have the attention of those who understand this needs to be done.  

11-6-23: Eagle Lake Guardians have donated $20,000 to Trout Unlimited who is spearheading Pine Creek Restoration projects.  $15k towards field work on Restoring McCoy Flat (water pit) and $5k to renewing interest in the 2015 Pine Creek Management Plan.  Update to USFWS was supposed to be done in 2020, however it is 3 years overdue.  How many species on the endangered or threatened listing can one hunt, fish for and retain for meat?  That answer is actually zero.  This is very critical to Eagle Lake recreation as well as property owners.

Update and Request for funding TU restoration of Logan Springs and a start at Champs Flat and McCoy Water Pit


After 2 years of requests and emails for information we finally got a mini update from Trout Unlimited.  Looks like USFS is a bit more on board with restoration & repairing of things done to enhance cattle grazing rather than Eagle Lake Rainbow Trout and Eagle Lake.  We have requested to assist with funding for two years, but unfortunately, without having responses back in two years from CRMP, American Rivers and TU, this was difficult.  Thankfully a new person is working with TU who was willing to help out and is working on the Eagle Lake issues. We are moving forward once again. It has been a struggle, however, things are moving post Covid.  Val continues to conduct water testing for the State water board. 

Guardians board shelved that for a later date but Val Eagle Lake Fishing Information and Network will cover the costs, fuel, conduct the tests & buy calibration solutions until a decision is made to continue to finance testing costs. 

Grazing email from Lahontan RE Eagle Lake   It’s been 2 years since we have received an update from CRMP, TU and American Rivers.  We have had multiple attempts to get something.  Finally, TU responded.  We should have something to update soon.  In the mean time, we are working on a little memorial for Karen at the trap. We’ll update just as soon as we are updated. 


Scheduled to begin water sample collection and testing this season.  Pending launching and lake elevation allowing for access thru the season. 


Water testing season completed.  Hoping to get a link from the state to post soon.

Water tests, sample collection for the State continues for 2021.  Most projects in Confluence Meadows are proceeding.  Super ditch should be being filled in 2023. 


11-21-20:  Water testing and sample collection have been completed for 2020.  DFW has granted some funding for Confluence Meadows Project.  Other projects are pending.

1-26-2020: Guardians request information regarding water board Eagle Lake newsletter update promise by the end of Dec 2019.  This is what we all signed up for.  1-27-19: State says they’re still working on it.  We will keep prodding. No pun intended.


12-14-19  Here is the recent email from Lahontan.  Eagle Lake grazing and water issues now has it’s own subscription for information from the Reg 6 (Lahontan) Water Quality Control Board.   Please subscribe to the link.  Also on the left side bar.

Warden, Bruce@Waterboards <bruce.warden@waterboards.ca.gov>

You are receiving this email because you have a potential interest in Eagle Lake Watershed Livestock Grazing and Water Quality Issues. 

Water Board staff have developed an email list for this topic on the State Water Board.

If you are interested in receiving email notifications on the topic of Eagle Lake Watershed Livestock Grazing and Water Quality Issues, please subscribe to the list using the following link:


I will post a newsletter to the list, most likely before the end of the year, describing Lahontan Water Board findings concerning cattle grazing and water quality at Eagle Lake and actions the Water Board has taken as a follow-up to those findings.

Bruce T. Warden, Ph.D.
Environmental Scientist
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board
2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd.
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 542-5416
(530) 544-2271 fax

8-29-19 Lahontan RWQCB


Based on the photos you shared indicating site specific indicators of cyanobacteria in the middle basin, west shore of Eagle Lake in the Spalding area, and the microscope photos of water collected from the Spalding area showing the presence of cyanobacteria in the water, I am working with Lassen County Environmental Health Department to post Caution Level Advisories in the Spalding area. This recommendation to post is consistent with secondary triggers and a decision tree developed for Posting and De-posting Health Advisories for recreational waters experiencing a confirmed or suspected harmful algal bloom.

We will follow-up next week and collect samples that will be sent into the same state-certified lab used to process the samples you collected from the Merrill campground on August 13, 2019. We should receive the results from the samples collected next week by mid-September, and this information will be used to inform next steps if needed. Thank you for sharing the information you have regarding the bloom event.

8-20-19: From Ben Letton Lahontan RWQCB    Val, We have not issued Water Board responses to the Investigative Orders issued at Eagle Lake. Our efforts to address these water quality issues associated with grazing along Eagle Lake have created quite a stir with the California Cattlemen’s Association, Farm Bureau, and other grazing interest groups who have gotten the attention of our colleagues at the State Water Resources Control Board and all the way up to the Governor’s office. Concurrent with drafting our responses for Eagle Lake, we are also busy with meetings with representatives from those organizations who have concerns about how our regulatory efforts could affect other grazing operations throughout the state. Needless to say, the issues at Eagle Lake, and our efforts to address those issues, has received a lot of attention. We are doing our best to be responsive to all stakeholders involved while preparing our responses to the Investigative Orders as quickly as possible. I am doing what I can to expedite the process but it does take time.

We have recently received correspondence from the USFS regarding cows that have been reported being on Pine Creek near Spalding and Sandy Beach. They tell us that they immediately called the permittee to have the cows removed and moved them to northern allotments, away from the lake. Gates that had been left open and allowed the cows to get to the lake shore were closed. We have encourage USFS to continue to report their responsiveness to rouge cows on the North Eagle Lake Allotment, as this allotment is to be rested this grazing season.  

Thank you for your patience.


8-19-19: from Lahontan RWQCB  


See results for a single sample collected from the Eagle Lake – Merrill Campground area on 8/13/2019.

Results Summary. Moderate amounts of Oscillatoria under the scope and qPCR revealed these cyanobacteria do contain toxin producing genes. Low-levels of microcystins were detected at 0.35 ug/L; however, concentrations were below the 0.8 ug/L Caution Action Trigger level.

Next Steps. Continue to visually monitor Eagle Lake. Visual monitoring is key since bloom (HAB and green algae) conditions in a lake can change rapidly, as the flow of surface water and wind may mix, move, or concentrate the bloom into different areas of the lake.  

Visual monitoring can be used to trigger collection and analysis of additional water samples. If site specific indicators (surface scum, algal mats, spilled paint appearance on water surface) change and it appears as if the bloom is increasing in size and severity, we can discuss additional sample collection and analysis to inform posting a human health advisory or upgrading a Caution advisory if one was posted based on secondary triggers of site specific indicators of cyanobacteria (surface scum, floating algae).

Thank you all for keeping a watchful eye.

5-20-19: We’ve been working hard on the grazing issues.  The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board issued the following orders.  USFS,  5 Dot Cattle Company and 6 others.  There will be more coming this summer.  Water testing continues with the help of Eagle Lake Guardians and Water Board personnel.


From: Luke Hunt <lhunt@americanrivers.org>
Date: June 6, 2019 at 4:11:31 PM PDT
To: Eagle Lake Guardians <eaglelakeguardians@yahoo.com>, Tim Keesey <thetims3@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: Restoration funding

Hi Val,

We got shut out.

The grant to remove the waterholes would have been funded, but a new CEQA technicality disqualified that proposal.  In short, the Lahontan Board could not complete CEQA before Lahontan was prepared to issue a 401 permit.  In past grant rounds, Lahontan was able to send a letter to say the CEQA review was completed (in 2017), and the decision would be made when the 401 was issued. The letter doesn’t work any more, and because we applied for funds for final designs and permits, including the 401, we couldn’t meet the CEQA deadline.  So shifting requirements edged us out again.

The Confluence meadow restoration project just didn’t get funded by CDFW.  We don’t know why.  They funded $45 million in projects, with some big studies, one in the $10 million range.  However they only funded one meadow restoration project and it wasn’t ours.  Disappointing and a big waste of time for many organizations.  We’re following up with CDFW because the department is ostensibly part of the Sierra Meadows Partnership.  Why didn’t they at least let us know not to apply and save us all hundreds of hours.

Sorry there’s not better news, but that’s where we are.  Nothing I have is moving forward in 2019.



4-17-19 Water testing of the lake has begun.  Monthly samples are being collected by Guardian Volunteers for Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board.  SWAMP training is involved.  Citizens are a major part of the State water quality testing due to lacking resources. The lake has never been tested for everything that is going on now.  There will be 4 locations sampled monthly, perhaps bimonthly depending on grazing.  We will continue to pressure the State on the neglected issues, and assist as needed.  A new 2019 grazing plan regulations by the State is long on promise and short on delivery at this time, we are keeping on them to get things going.

1-8-19  American Rivers Organization has applied for more funding from DFW and CA Wildlife Conservation Board.  Here are the grant applications/proposals.  WaterHoles   (will be determined in April) Confluence Meadows  DFW(will be determined in August 2019). These may be determined or granted sooner. Project maps and info (this goes to eaglelakefishing.net)


10-22-18:  Eagle Lake Guardians will be holding a special meeting with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding complaints filed to EPA individually by Will Turner, Val Aubrey and others.  Meeting to be held at Eagle Lake RV Park store at noon.  See agenda under Our Papers or home page tab.  This is an open meeting, not a big venue but the locals are most certainly invited.  See what EL Guardians has been doing and plan on doing on behalf of Eagle Lake. 

We are proud to announce that we have added Frankie Muse (Eagle Lake RV Park) and John Simlick (Organix) to our board.  A breath of fresh air, perspectives and a new beginning!  We are united and hope to unite the Eagle Lake communities for a bright future.  More Later!

6-18-18 Update from TU answering questions asked 
(Still waiting for updates from others)

Minutes of CRMP 5-14-18
Still waiting for CRMP to Send



12-11-17 CRMP Meeting update (unsigned minutes)

Eagle Lake Guardians send Letter of Support to TU for funding request CDFW Prop 1

6-22-17 Update from Trout Unlimited RE Pine Creek Restoration

Splitter Project – Headed to construction June 29th and will keep the majority of flow in Pine Creek instead of diverting water to the “super ditch”

Confluence Meadow Project – This project is still completing the restoration design and the NEPA team has met to review the alternatives. TU brought up V. Aubrey’s issues with the preferred alternative, which were thought to create more ponds when removing fill for the old channel. The group thought that the terrace shaving technique should bring the meadow surface down to the existing grade and not create any additional holes or ponds, and if more fill is needed beyond what is available in the meadow, the project will seek alternative sources outside the project area. Revegetating the riparian area with willows was also added to the design.

Funding Proposals

· AR and TU are applying to CDFW Prop 1 for ~$700k to complete the restoration work at Confluence Meadow

·  TU is hoping to work with Susanville Indian Rancheria to apply for National Fish and Wildlife funds for a fish migration study over the next three years, which will determine the pros and cons of certain restoration techniques for fish

·  AR and TU are applying to SNC Prop 1 to remove 6 of the water holes used for stock water in the Pine Creek watershed, removal railroad grades and remove conifers from the fringes of the meadows

NOTE:  Due to wet soil conditions, no shovels hit the ground as of 6-29-17


5-7-17 We are waiting for an update from Trout Unlimited and CRMP Regarding Pine Creek Restoration.  Hopefully they can convince us that their work is for the fish rather than helping out getting more grazing.  Once we have an update, I will let you all know.  We will then have a meeting and discuss our next step for insuring the conservation plan is not violated.  Also, DFW Paul Divine asked us if we would be willing and able to fund more of the organism study in Pine Creek.  Apparently, TU and CRMP didn’t follow Western US protocol regarding the study and UNR needs to do it over again.  UNR still had the samples, but needed more funding to do it to acceptable levels.  We were not requested by TU to pay for the study over again.  At this point, we are not sure of the true intentions of Trout Unlimited.  Seems a little fishy what they are doing so we hope to meet with them soon and find out.  Apparently, the “meadow restoration” is primarily for enhancing more cattle grazing and not for the fish.

The spawn was less than DFW desired.  They didn’t have the number of fish in the tributaries as in the past and had to resort to electroshocking for a couple of days in May.  DFW also closed the trap gate and prevented fish from naturally heading upstream as they needed every ripe hen they could get as fast as they could get them.  Then opened the gate for the males when they were finished with them.  Susanville Indian Rancheria folks, tagged and transmitted around 100 fish (after dfw had what they could get) and then released them upstream.  Shortly thereafter, water temps rose and few fish entered the system.  Since Pine Creek began flowing Dec 16, 2016 and trickled every day till cutting loose on Feb 11 the gates for free passage of the trout were closed and not opened up by DFW until mid to late February.  DFW has no idea if there were any fish in the system at that time as they have no counter set up.  After I enquired as to why, they got a camera installed but no counter for knowing how many fish have come and gone.  Not a good year for a native spawn to happen despite having a lot of water locked up in Pine Creek Valley.  Eagle Lake is up around 5 1/2 feet from low water 2016 but still below elevation of 5097ft.  Any elevation below 5100ft is considered to be detremental to the lake and fish.  Perhaps that locked up water could have helped the lake.  So, we need to do more work and we need a few more donations before we can do what needs to be done.  Stay Tuned.


10-27-16 Pine Creek CRMP meeting.  Native Spawn vs a Lake to call Home

JULY 13, 2016

Eagle Lake Trout will not be listed as Endangered Species!! Yahoo! But, Pine Creek Conservation Plan must move forward  Yahoo!!! Good job!  This will help avoid all the red tape and BS that we would have to go through to restore the creek and watershed if the trout were listed.  We never wanted it listed, we just pointed out that it was screwed up by humans, it could be repaired by humans.  Now we need help in funding the projects.  See below for TU update


Update on project:

1) TU is completing the restoration design work for “Confluence Meadow” this month, and starting on CEQA/NEPA work.
2) TU is submitting a proposal to CDFW’s Watersheds Proposition 1 funding cycle (June 24th) for construction project at “Confluence Meadow.” If successful, construction would occur during summer of 2017.
3) American Rivers is submitting a proposal to CDFW’s Watersheds Proposition 1 funding cycle (June 24th) for a planning grant to cover McCoy Flat, Harvey, Bogard, Logan Springs and Pine Creek Valley for future restoration work. This would cover NEPA, CEQA, permitting and restoration design.
4) “Splitter” project on Pine Creek is scheduled for construction in August/September of 2016.
5) TU is generating reports on year 1 invert samples to provide information to Region 1 CDFW to keep chemical treatment portion of project moving forward.
6) TU is scheduled to help CDFW collect year 2 invert samples and has a new contract with UNR to complete year 2 analysis.
7) TU hired a facilitator to run all Pine Creek CRMP and TAC meetings for 2016/17

APRIL 14, 2016
Eagle Lake Guardians donate an additional $6000 to Trout Unlimted earmarked for the organism study on Pine Creek.  This study has to be completed (by UNR which cuts the price down to $13,320 from $20,000 if the state or federal government performs the study….at their leisure) before the brook trout can be killed off for once and for all and we can get water flowing back into Pine Creek.  If we don’t, it will take several more years for the government to do anything & everything will stay the same as it is regardless of signing on to the restoration plan….it’s only paper and from our experience, is easily discarded and work stops.  Eagle Lake Guardians have been attempting to get a fundraiser for the community going, however District requirements to hold the fundraiser are becoming too costly.  We would rather spend your donations on Eagle Lake rather than supporting entities that don’t suppport saving Eagle Lake.  We are working on getting our costs down, but I can personally guarantee that we will NOT spend more than we can make in order to support an agency who should be supporting us.  We will have more details and will line out and detail all the expenses that are required by the District and why we can or can not hold a fundraiser. But, it’s getting very obvious why community functions are not held at the community building. So please help us out and donate online or mail a check to Eagle Lake Guardians 686-795 Bamboo Way, Eagle Lake, Susanville CA 96130.  Guardians are the ONLY nonprofit working hard on saving the lake for everyone.  Don’t forget that.  Perhaps you should ask CIFFI where the $50,000 per year they claim they make for Project Eagle Lake Trout is going. At least you all know where Eagle Lake Guardians money is going!!! 

We are back online for holding fundraisers for 2016.  Our first fundraiser is planned for Sunday May 29th of Opening Weekend at the Spalding Community Center.  More details coming.  We donated nearly all the money we had to Pine Creek/Trout Unlimited.  Our memberships have allowed us the financial ability to afford to hold a fundraiser and raffle.  We hope to have another large donation for more work this summer.


JUNE 1, 2015  PINE CREEK RESTORATION PLAN!!! Here it is folks!!! The plan to save our trout! I take special pride in seeing the bottom of page 9 objective 2.1.

DECEMBER 14, 2014
Eagle Lake Guardians continue to donate funding to Trout Unlimited towards Pine Creek watershed studies.  These studies continue and once finished a plan can be compiled for what is needed to restore Pine Creek to allow for a native spawn.  Western Watersheds, a group out of Oregon has filed a complaint on USFWS for not having made a determination one way or the other for an Endangered Species Listing.  We hope that our funding and the completed study & future restoration projects can avoid an Endangered or Threatened Species Listing.  However, these things can keep the Government on their toes and moving forward.  In the event that the USFWS does have to respond and our trout does end up getting listed, the studies and restoration still has to be done.  A listing can end up slowing down progress with red tape. We hope we can keep moving forward and are lucky to have Trout Unlimited making sure to cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s as well as keeping up the pace.  HERE IS THE LATEST UPDATE FROM TROUT UNLIMITED and we are sending another large donation to help keep it moving!! WE ARE IN NEED OF MORE DONATIONS TO CONTINUE TO ASSIST WITH A NATIVE SPAWN AND GETTING WATER BACK TO THE FISH.

SEPT 30, Correction

SEPTEMBER 17. 2014

Trout Unlimited fills us all in on what has been going on this summer in Pine Creek.  See Trout Unlimited’s Summary HERE  (Header from Guardians)

SEPTEMBER 15, 2014


Please note that there is a group in Spalding who has not done their homework and insist that Eagle Lake Guardians support the listing of our trout.  These rumors obviously come from uneducated and misinformed people who are too ignorant to check us out for themselves.  They have our upmost sympathy



Due to difficulty’s initiating donating funding to California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Eagle Lake Guardians is proud to announce a donation of $10,000 for Pine Creek restoration, assessment projects and studies to Trout Unlimited.  We hope our funding can help accelerate the process which is beginning this year.  A phone call and emailed funding request was sent to us on April 23.  By April 25 we had an agenda up and online for a Special Meeting of our board to approve funding.  Our special meeting was held on April 27th and funding was approved.  See meeting minutes here.

Our affiliation with Trout Unlimited will insure our funding goes directly to the projects of assessing Pine Creek  watershed and Eagle Lake trout spawning habitat to assist in preventing an Endangered or Threatened Species Listing.  Brook trout eradication is critical to this endeavor.

We are proud to have the opportunity to be a part of the solution.  Trout Unlimited will insure that funds go directly to the projects and that the projects/studies are completed.  We feel our funding is in good hands and will be accounted for while keeping it local!  We hope to be able to contribute more funding as it becomes available.   These projects, assessments and studies will continue till the work is done and projects can begin.

Eagle Lake Guardians had been attempting to get information, an application or a contact to donate funding to DFW Pine Creek Restoration projects since November 18,2013 public meeting with DFW Environmental biologist Lassen/Modoc and Linda Radford, Northern Region Hatchery Supervisor at the Spalding Community Services District hall.  Our intent to donate towards several DFW needs, we feel, was made perfectly clear though our verbal discussions.  Our request to donate to DFW has been frustrating to say the least.  After the Holidays came and went, Eagle Lake Guardians contacted DFW regarding the meeting in November.  Linda Radford had seemed more eager and willing to assist us in proper paperwork or a contact.  Long story short:  Out of the last 6 months, it took 4 months to find out there was new paperwork and our nonprofit numbers were needed “IF YOU HAVE THEM”.  It appears our funding to DFW isn’t a priority at the level we have to work with.  At this time Eagle Lake Guardians are still willing to purchase the list of hatchery needs for handling of our Eagle Lake trout as soon as DFW approves our funding application.   I was told is in the superior’s hands a month ago.  Our funds were needed, wanted and requested by Trout Unlimited for Pine Creek.   Being local, Eagle Lake Guardians were willing and capable of holding a Special Meeting within days of the request!  There is a lot of work to be done and monitoring in the future.

Eagle Lake Guardians are simply interested in doing our part in assisting in restoring Pine Creek to allow our trout to spawn naturally and prevent an Endangered or Threatened Species Listing.   We are also willing to donate to support the needs of DFW for Eagle Lake.  Being locally operated we can expedite funding specific needs quickly.  We are proud of our efforts and letters with documentation to USFWS in regards to our watershed and the petitions to list our trout.  The evidence is more in favor of the listing, but why after over twenty years of restoration projects and studies?  We are proud to have helped get attention to the problem at hand and involve other nonprofits as well as governmental action.  Our current interest is in assisting to prevent listing our trout as an Endangered or Threatened species by restoring the habitat.

We would love to be capable of another large donation to these projects.  We will be conducting an online fundraising campaign & will soon have a PayPal link up for donations.  Our members are our strength but you don’t have to be a member to donate to the cause!  Thank you everyone who have supported Eagle Lake Guardians!

APRIL 25, 2014:  Special meeting being called for on April 27 at 2pm at Val’s house.  This meeting is to discuss substantial donation to Trout Unlimited who is overseeing Pine Creek Restoration projects and working with other nonprofits to insure donations are specifically used to fund Pine Creek restoration projects, science and brook trout eradication.  AGENDA
JANUARY 29-14:  Having had a conversation with USFWS I believe we are in good hands.  The proposal by LNF is inadequate.  It also only gives water that it replaces in another area of the watershed.  We are keeping an eye on things.  If there was one thing that stood out was the fact that Lassen National Forest finally admitted that the trout cannot spawn in Pine Creek in the condition it is in now.
Water and sediment tests:  We have been conducting water tests for heavy metals and known cloud seeding agents.  These reports say “amended”.  This is because we did not request a pH value and it was performed hours after the sample was collected.  The notation from the lab indicated that the tests were not usable due to the time lapse for the pH which was used for Hexavalient values.  Once we enquired this concern to the lab they amended the results (without the pH values) as they had nothing to do with the heavy metals being tested for.
August 2013 water tests.  B.R.A. is the drinking water at Bogard Rest Area,  SLLR is Water and sediment from Silver Lake Launch Ramp area (as a comparison at the nearest area/lake that drops off the opposite side (Susan River) of our watershed.  SLS is the drinking water supply at Silver Lake Campground.
6-18-13 Water Tests performed in Pine Creek Estuary  Our results are elevated however, they are below reportable levels.  There are questions as to why the Barium levels were high.  Same with the tests performed on the drinking water at Bogard Rest Area and Silver Lake Campground.
Our tests are being compared with all known tests conducted in the Sierras.  Our levels are elevated in some tests but all are below or just slightly below reportable limits.
Now here is food for thought.  I really find it hard to believe that the scientists can’t figure out why levels of heavy metals in drinking water have rising dramatically since the early 1990’s.  See what they have to say here about California’s Drinking Water (heavy metals shooting up since 1991…close to the same time that PG&E ramped up cloud seeding & these educated people can’t put two and two together as though this is some big mystery.  This is what happens when the state and federal government leave the foxes in charge of protecting the hen house.  Cloud seeding agents patented by Pacific Gas and Electric Company are quite intersting and many appear to have nothing to do with Silver Iodide.  These heavy metals contained in the water also go to watering major crops and livestock.  These are not tested for heavy metals. Organic Beef?  Sorry folks, it’s not tested for any heavy metals….nor is it tested for chemicals as long as it is fed on the ranch or out on public l
However when you think about autism rates shooting up fast (from 1 out of 166 children born in 1997 to nearly 1 in 55 in 2013?  And these educated people can’t figure it out.  Why? There is no regulation on chemicals used in cloud seeding nor is there any oversite agency.  Those who have been manipulating our weather for over 6 decades can use what ever they want.  That may include toxic chemicals and waste products.  Respiratory ailments and many other health issues are attributed to heavy metals too and it makes you wonder if you aren’t being slowly poisoned by the food you eat as well as the water you drink.  “As pure as the driven snow’?  It isn’t as pure as you might think and the article linked above shows you that.  With the current drought in California we can expect cloud seeding to ramp up with every little cloud band passing by.  We can also expect to see chem trails when humidity and temperatures are just right.  We need the water but be very careful what you wish for.
NOVEMBER 3, 2013 This is one thing we have been waiting for “officially”.  We’re winning another battle for the lake and the trout folks!!
PINE CREEK RESTORATION PLAN.  30 DAY REVIEW.  SEE PROPOSED PLAN HERE   Looks like Pine Creek is going to get back some water!! Please read the document!
From: “Jones, Bobette E -FS” <bobettejones@fs.fed.us>
Date: November 1, 2013, 2:07:11 PM PDT
To: “Fishingdudette (fishingdudette@aol.com)” <fishingdudette@aol.com>
Cc: “Jones, Bobette E -FS” <bobettejones@fs.fed.us>
Subject: Pine Creek Restoration Project Proposed Action
To: SOPA Respondents and Other Interested Individuals, Organizations, and Agencies

The Eagle Lake Ranger District of the Lassen National Forest is initiating scoping for the Pine Creek Restoration Project. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed action, purpose and need, and decision to be made.

The Pine Creek Restoration Project is intended to implement watershed and range management objectives from the Lassen National Forest Landand Resource Management Plan (1992) and ROD (1993), as amended by the Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment (SNFPA) FSEIS and ROD (2004). This project would implement watershed restoration activities in three areas: Upper Pine Creek Valley, Lower Pine Creek Valley, and Burgess Meadow along Pine Creek and associated tributaries. This project was designed to increase watershed resiliency and overall function to enhance water quality and quantity, timing and duration of flows, stream and riparian condition, and improve fish migration habitat. The proposed treatments focus on decommissioned and unauthorized roads and abandoned railroad grades, stream diversions, and dug-out, in-channel water holes.

I request your input as it relates to the proposed action and identification of any issues (point of discussion, debate, or dispute) about the anticipated effects from this proposed action. In order for your comments on the proposal to be incorporated most effectively, please respond in writing by 11/22/2013.

The Pine Creek Restoration Project is subject to the use the Pre-decisional Administrative Review (Objection) process as described under 36 CFR 218, subparts A & B for non-Healthy Forests Restoration Act (HFRA) projects. To be eligible to object to an Environmental Assessment (EA) under this regulation, an individual or organization must submit timely and specific written comments regarding the proposed project during a public comment period established by the responsible official (36 CFR 218.24(b)(6).  A 30-day legal notice and comment period will be provided for this project to provide eligibility for objection. A 45-day objection period prior to a decision being made will follow.

Written comments may be submitted to:  Ann Carlson, District Ranger, Eagle Lake Ranger District, 477-050 Eagle Lake Road, Susanville, CA 96130, (530) 257-4188, FAX: (530) 252-5803 during normal business hours. Eagle Lake Ranger District business hours are from 8 am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday.

Electronic comments, in acceptable plain text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), or Word (.doc) formats, may be submitted to FS-comments-pacificsouthwest-lassen-eagle-lake@fs.fed.us, using Subject:  Pine Creek Restoration Project. Please note that the email address is case-sensitive.

A decision regarding this proposal is expected in September 2014; the Responsible Official for this project is Ann Carlson, District Ranger.  Thank you for your interest and participation in the environmental analysis process.  For more information on the project, please contact Bobette Jones, Interdisciplinary Team Leader, by phone at (530) 257-4188.



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8-13-13: Eagle Lake General Store is having a fundraiser for Eagle Lake Guardians on Sunday Sept 1 from 3PM to 6PM.

Our last testing for heavy metals indicated elevated levels of Aluminum, mercury, barium and some lead.  When compared with know local values we are within values in the surrounding area.  I will post the results and analysis ASAP.  We have more samples being tested right now.  Generally about 3 to 4 weeks to be completed.  NOTE:  Basica Labs have conducted tests that we did not ask for, nor did we pay for. We didn’t request pH and never have.

Our water meter is on the way and our biologist is ready to help us gather data.  Our new water meter is a YSI brand and has a built in barometer to make the exact calculations for the water tests ($3600).  We will be able to do everything that DFG’s water meter can do only ours will go 10 to 12 feet deeper.  In discussing my years of using the DFG water quality meter, technicians said that if there is NOT an internal barometer to calculate the raw data into real sound data then all the dissolved oxygen and even pH numbers will not be correct.  Basically, that if the water meter testing unit doesn’t have a built in barometer for this elevation (actually for accuracy above 4000ft) that all the numbers for Dissolved Oxygen and pH done by DFG over the years could be very “off” and unreliable.   Unless they have a new model of device, I don’t believe that one I worked with had anything of the sort and my discussions regarding calibrating by ambient temps at one elevation and having to recalibrate on the water many times, numbers bouncing around & how the manufacturer explained to fix the problem….they don’t believe the DFG monitor has the barometer or it wouldn’t be doing the things it does….& DFG is using the same one they had 10+ years ago.  Fortunately Val had several years of conducting these tests with three biologists filling in between 2005 and 2008 & was heavily involved in solving their meter problems for accuracy.  This is one reason we hired an environmental biologist, and have several back up biologists (guardian members) willing to fill in any gaps.  We believe DFG’s numbers are not accurate and at least we will have the new meter that is designed for our elevation and a degreed biologist to conduct the tests and perform calibrations just so there is a legitamate comparison with the current DFG biologists testing.  We will test in exactly the same locations as DFG.

6-19-13:  Eagle Lake Guardians is conducting tests for heavy metals on Pine Creek’s watershed.  The first results indicate Aluminum, mercury, lead and barium at levels below reportable amounts.  However, our crew notes that the presence of barium is not unheard of in the sierras but it being found here was “interesting”.    See April tests here; 

Interpretation:    “The only possible “exceedance of criteria” value I see is Aluminum in water at the 105 culvert, exceeding chronic criterion of 87 ug/L.  All other detected values are below any criteria.  The aluminum and barium in soil may be slightly elevated over background and/or lowest toxicity values but those are not regulatory criteria (more like guidance for evaluating toxicity).  Aluminum is one of the most common metals on earth and not very toxic.  Not sure where the barium is coming from, but it too is not particularly toxic.  Water and sediment were tested.”

Next results should be in by 7-10-13.

Questions to think about:  Does repeated exposure to low dose heavy metals over long term cause problems to human health?  Attribute to Alzheimer’s?  Increase rates of Autism?  Are our beef and crops consuming these and to what extent and duration?

5-29-13: Eagle Lake Guardians begin testing water and soil.  Reporting results and analysis of the first tests at our meeting Saturday June 1 at 2PM at the General Store on the corner of Mahongany Way & Spalding Road.

4-6-13: Spring is here and Pine Creek is flowing.  Lots of activity at the trap this year!  We are getting our ducks in a row to begin testing water and soil for various “things” in our watershed in the coming weeks.  Val is working on several different things & fitting in what she can while holding the fort down until the rest of the team arrives here from winter vacations.

12-30-12 EAGLE LAKE GUARDIANS RESPONSE TO USFWS  Most of the contents of the discs is located on this website   We had a lot of documentation that went along with this letter.  We waited this long to publish for several reasons.

On 12-19 Val met with our legal source and will be meeting again in January regarding PG&E cloud seeding and chemical distribution.  Guardians are dialing in to conduct some major heavy metal testing in Pine Creek.  Hopefully, it will show no contamination, but if it does, we will know where it is coming from & will insure a vigorous fight.  If you didn’t know it there have been several deaths in Chester that low dose heavy metals accumulated to the point of killing them.  In the Monterey Agreement, their local government signed off the very lives of the people who elected them into office for a cut of the $30M hush money. … and it isn’t just Plumas County.  Now, why are the Guardians worried about Plumas County & Chester….because it appears we are getting a share of their problem.  Hopefully it has not made it to the lake, but our upper reaches of Pine Creek could easily be contaminated & the Guardians will make the discovery.

You all probably saw the 200+ cows staged at the mouth of Pine Creek and Halfmoon Bay for several weeks in fall.  That was your punishment for us pounding on the forest service regarding the impounded water from Pine Creek.  Out of 87 water impoundments only 7 (thats the large lakes which on the field trip confessed each take approximately 1″ of water a year from the lake…or 7″).  We have documented these lakes in photos and they were a part of our letter to USFWS as to who is actually to blame for the trout being close to being listed.  The trout are not at fault, their watershed has been robbed and distroyed by the cattle industry for one.  AND, WE MAY SEE HEAVY METAL TESTING CONDUCTED ON ALL CATTLE RANGED IN NORTHEASTERN CA BY GOVERNMENT ACTION BEFORE TOO LONG.  These chemicals and what they turn into once they hit nature could be contaminating the entire food industry with heavy metals and cadmium without any oversight.   So, sampling just might be being required in the near future as drinking water laden with aluminum or eating grasses growing in mercury laden soils could effect each and everyone eating it down the road…high priced restuarnts in Sacramento and the Bay Area may want to reconsider advertising Northeastern CA Beef on their menus….many of us won’t touch it if we know where it comes from. Waterfowl, deer, antelope could also all be affected by the chemicals and heavy metals so don’t think that hunting and fishing for your own food will keep you safe.  Just look at the EPA required heavy metal testing for fish in lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams.  No more than 4 ounces a month as allowable consumption in some reservoirs? Wake up people, you are being poisoned & when this all comes together it might just make you sick(er) and it is a run away freight train with only greed and money for fuel…the livelyhood and the lives of the people who live here have already been signed away for a piece of the action.  More as we head into a major battle to save the lives of those living in Northern California.

Complaints to the waterboard regarding the cattle resulted in them sending up a “student” who couldn’t access the area of Halfmoon Bay, the mouth of Pine Creek and the Slough/Estuary to test the water for contamination because they didn’t want to get their boots dirty and found no way to get to the lake without walking.  So, the water test samples were taken from the Marina…. not specified as being at Spalding so assuming they were taken not 2 miles away, but possibly even further and closer to 8-9 miles across the lake.  Those samples showed that there wasn’t a cow anywhere along the lake.   WE let them know what we thought about that.  Considering there are three roads that access that area including Pine Creek Slough and yes, you might have to walk down the old dirt road to get there from the new parking area and road going down, but Lahontan waterboard was too lazy to see the roads on the maps and too ignorant to come in the store or make a call for a quick 5 minute assistance from any of the complainants.  That folks, is how Lahontan takes care of Eagle Lake.  It was too late for us to get our team to conduct testing.  This was also by design.  Well, we can’t depend on the water board to conduct even a water sampling when it comes to cattle pollution, do we really think they will help when it comes to heavy metals and cadmium testing to see just how much we are benefiting from PE&E?  No.  So, we have our  PhD’s who are willing to analyze any results and even conduct with assistance and we have a biologist to contract to assist us if the “company” can’t on a particular day or an emergency so there can be no discrepancy  in the quality of our tests this coming spring.  I will be working on the newsletter for January & everyone else is out of town so please bare with me running two businesses & surviving winter weather in the process.  I will be back soon to update more and include more happenings in our upcoming newsletter.

Do we have your attention now? No water, no fish.  Get rid of the multitude of water diversions on Pine Creek and stop cloud seeding affecting our watershed & let the trout do their thing naturally, not hand picked by man and life will be good.  Seems to me that the science needs revisited.  In 2011 the trout did have a meager spawn….25 miles from where the scientists have been claiming they are improving habitat for the trout trucked up to the headwaters from the trap every spring…turns out the trout spawned 3 1/2 miles from the lake which is a neglected part of Pine Creek for spawning habitat improvements…that’s cow country only…not trout habitat. The only thing the government has been improving is the cattle water ponds by robbing Pine Creek watershed.  No brainer what is causing the problems on Pine Creek and the entire public knows what is wrong.  Too much water impounded for range for too many decades. And if the water is tainted with PGE chemicals….then maybe they need to test the range cattle of which becomes food for the state and nation….could it be loaded with heavy metals….maybe someone should check the beef supply…or we could be being poisoned by that Great Northeastern Beef Supply too.  Can they prove it isn’t loaded with heavy metals, aluminum or mercury?  PINE CREEK CRMP MEETING  SEPT 12, 2012 AT EAGLE LAKE RANGER DISTRICT 


PGE Response Introduction to the safety of Cloud SeedingPGE Response to ELG QuestionsWater Quality tests (bs), MSDS Silver Iodide,  Chemistry; Impacts of Silver Iodide 

Almanor Basin Request for clarification , Almanor Basin Request  ,  Dr. Ploppers Letter of Concern (toxicologist).   

Northern CA Traveler article regarding additional storage for Lake Shasta.  20ft higher would distroy Native American Heritage and Sacred sites.


8-6-12: Mercury Report for Northern CA Lakes and Reservoirs Read here what you DON’T know.  
Do you have symptoms and conditions that can’t be explained?  Are YOU affected by chemicals? Heavy metals? In and around the waters? Woods? Then you might consider filling out this Health Questionnaire for Lassen Co.  Seal in a manila envelope, put your name, address and phone number on it.  Send to Eagle Lake Guardians at 503-150 Mahogany Way, Susanville CA 96130 or bring in to the store.  These will be sent sealed to our environmental attorney group in S. CA.  Reason?  To show if we have a pattern of health issues and clusters consistent with the other areas who are severely affected.

This is what Chemical burns on fish look like.  These are from Chester area water

7-31-12: PGE Promises a response around 8-10-12

7-18-12:  Now that the Bly Tunnel valves are officially off (2-2-12 they were turned off by BLM) Our next objective is in progress.  Cloud seeding by PG&E in winter is one issue we are exploring at this time.  We have sent our first letter to PG&E and carbon copied several other agencies (located on the letter).  Our first letter is in regards to requesting information about the chemicals used, how many pounds are used and when, how often the clouds are seeded prior to coming to Eagle Lake’s watershed of Pine Creek which includes Triangle Lake.  The Susan River system boarders Pine Creek watershed and flows on down the line to Honey Lake.  Lake Almanor, a PG&E owned reservoir several nice several resorts, golf courses, expensive beautiful homes and great PG&E campgrounds is the primary beneficiary and eventually flows down the Feather River Canyon to Oroville Lake and down the line to the Sacramento Delta via a few other reservoirs for irrigation and water to fill demand.  Lake Almanor remains close to the high water mark and inflow with continued high water appears to be no problem to sustain.  The Susan River system is also doing well.  Recently, a test was conducted on several species of fish in Lake Almanor and a test on the sediment by the State of CA department of Water Resources indicated that mercury was evident and apparently in substantial quantities.  A grant was obtained by LNF to conduct more testing including testing for mercury in the fish.  This report has not been completed at the time of this writing but we will update above this explanation to keep you informed as we acquire responses and information on test results including any pending ones.  We making contact with those who perform these types of tests for prices for a future grant to begin some testing and study.

Since cloud seeding and Pine Creek are tied together we will be seeking information from LNF regarding the locations of ALL the water diversions on Pine Creek and it its traditional watershed including but not limited to how much water (acre feet)  has been diverted to impoundments for grazing annually over the last two+ decades.  We are already on the list to receive any water, sediment and fish toxicity tests and will update and link the results for public viewing as they are received.  Thank you one and all!

We are only capable of taking on one thing at a time, finish the job and move on to the next problem and/or issue.  The lake is in the condition  (low level) it is in due to decades of diverted water, water draining out the Bly Tunnel, possibly being robbed of our snow pack from cloud seeding and accumulative affects from D all of the above, Mother Nature is not all to blame.  So we have to approach and solve our problems one at a time and complete one before moving onto the next.

We need a lot of donations in order to have our testing done.  If you want to help…well,, we want more members and we need to keep some money rolling in as this won’t be cheap even if we get a little discount.  We plan on starting at the top of Pine Creek/Triangle Lake and work our way downstream until we have data that the upper reaches of Pine Creek and our snow pack are not being adversely affected by chemicals.  We are limited as to what we can afford but we are doing the research at this time.  Over winter we acquired our 501(c)3 and donations are tax deductible.  Our numbers are on our home page for your records.  All banking, treasury reports, bank statements, tax filings, meeting minutes and agendas are available on “Our Papers” page on this website.  Remember to come to our meeting in August.  Our calendar will be updated soon.